Mr. Martin Linsey






Martin Linsey (American,1915-2010) Although Martin Linsey worked as both painter and photographer, he is perhaps best known for his watercolor landscapes of England, the Bahamas, New England, Florida, and Cleveland. Linsey (born in Cleveland) studied at the Cleveland School of Art (1935-38) and went on to the University of Miami (B.Ed., 1951) and Western Reserve University (M.A. in art history, 1952). A member of the Cleveland Society of Artists, he exhibited regularly, with works in group shows at the Art Institute of Chicago (1940), the Cincinnati Art Museum (1941), the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia (1942), and the Butler Art Institute, Youngstown (1941, 1942, 1946), and was a regular participant (1938-86) in the Cleveland Museum of Art's May Show, a regional juried exhibition. For 20 years (1960-80), he worked in the education department at the Cleveland Museum of Art. A self-taught photographer who started taking pictures as a hobby during art school, Linsey began working commercially after opening a painting studio during the early 1940s. Using a 4 x 5-inch format camera, he has illustrated catalogues and articles, produced industrial and architectural images for corporate clients, and recorded historical monuments in the Cleveland area. His photographs have appeared in numerous publications, including Progressive Architecture, the Illustrated London News, and Antiques World. From 1982-87 Linsey was the photographer for the Phoenix Art Museum. A.W.<br>Biographical information exists in the Cleveland Museum of Art Archives.