Explore over 100 cultures from around the world

There are 134 cultures available to explore.

Afghanistan or Iran

America and England

Austria or South Germany

Central India

Central Tibet



Eastern Han dynasty (AD 25-220)

Fujian province, Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279)

Hebei province, Eastern Wei dynasty (534-550)

Henan Province, Baofeng, Qingliangsi, Northern Song dynasty (960-1127)

Henan province, Jincun, Warring States period (475-221 BC)

Henan province, Northern Dynasties period (386-581)

Henan province, Northern Song dynasty (960-1127)

Jiangxi province, Jingdezhen kilns, Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Kangxi reign (1662-1722)

Jiangxi province, Jingdezhen kilns, Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Qianlong mark and period (1736-95)

Jiangxi province, Jingdezhen kilns, Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Qianlong reign (1735-1795)

Jiangxi province, Jingdezhen kilns, Yuan dynasty (1271-1368)

Jiangxi province, Jingdezhen, Ming dynasty (1368-1644), Chenghua mark and period (1465-1487)

Jiangxi province, Jingdezhen, Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Yongzheng mark and period (1723-35)

Jiangxi province, Jingdezhen, Yuan dynasty (1271-1368)

Jin dynasty (1115-1234) or Korea, Goryeo dynasty (918-1392)

Liao dynasty (916-1125)

Ming dynasty (1368-1644)

Ming dynasty (1368-1644) - Qing dynasty (1644-1911)

Ming dynasty (1368-1644), Yongle reign (1403-1424)


Northern Qi dynasty (550-577)

Qing dynasty (1644-1911)

Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Kangxi reign (1662-1722)

Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Qianlong mark and reign (1736-95)

Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Qianlong reign (1736-95)

Shaanxi province, Meixian, Western Zhou dynasty (c. 1046-771 BC)

Song dynasty (960-1279)

Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) - Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368)

Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279)

Tang dynasty (618-907)

Warring States period (475-221 BC)

Western Han dynasty (202 BC-AD 9)

Yuan dynasty (1271-1368)

Yuan dynasty (1271-1368) or later

Yunnan province, Dali kingdom (938-1253)

Zhejiang province, Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279)

Zhou dynasty (c. 1046-256 BC)

early 19th century

late Northern Song dynasty (960-1127) - Jin dynasty (1115-1234)

late Southern Song (1127-1279) - early Yuan dynasty (1271-1368)

probably Henan province, Tang dynasty (618-907)

probably Shaanxi province, Xi'an, Tang dynasty (618-907)

reportedly from Hunan province, Changsha, Warring States period (475-221 BC), State of Chu (c. 1046-223 BC)




Abbasid period(?), 8th - 9th century

Abbasid period, late 8th - early 9th centuries

Abbasid period, mid-8th to mid-9th century

Byzantine period (?), 5th century (?)

Byzantine period, 4th - 5th century

Byzantine period, 4th - 6th century

Byzantine period, 4th-5th century

Byzantine period, 4th-6th century

Byzantine period, 6th century

Fatimid period, 12th century

Fatimid period, late 11th century

Fustat (Old Cairo), Fatimid period (909-1171)

Greco-Roman Period, Ptolemaic Dynasty or earlier

Greco-Roman Period, Ptolemaic Dynasty, probably late 2nd Century BC

Greco-Roman Period, Roman Empire

Karnak, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Amenhotep IV, 1353-1337 BC

Late Period, Dynasty 26 or later

Late Period, Dynasty 30, reign of Nectanebo II

Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12 (1980-1801), reign of Amenemhat III

New Kingdom, Dynasty 18

New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (1540-1296 BC), reign of Amenhotep II

New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (1540-1296), reign of Amenhotep III

New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Amenhotep III

New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Amenhotep III, 1391-1353 BC

New Kingdom, Dynasty 19, reign of Ramesses II, 1279-1213 BC

New Kingdom, Late Dynasty 18

New Kingdom, Mid-Dynasty 18, 1540-1296 BC

New Kingdom, late Dynasty 18 (1540-1296 BC)

Presumably Thebes, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Amenhotep III, 1391-1353 BC

Ptolemaic Dynasty

Ptolemaic Dynasty (305-30 BC)

Roman Empire, late Tiberian

Thebes, Third Intermediate Period, late Dynasty 21 (1069-945 BC) - early Dynasty 22 (945-924 BC)

Thebes, Third Intermediate Period, late Dynasty 21 (1069-945 BC) to early Dynasty 22 (945-715 BC)

Thebes, Third Intermediate Period, late Dynasty 21 (1069-945 BC) to early Dynasty 22 (945-924 BC)

Third Intermediate Period

Umayyad period (661-750)

Umayyad period (661-750) or Abbasid period (750-1258)

Umayyad period (661-750)?


France (?)

France or Flanders


Germany (or Netherlands)

Greek/South Italian

Hilt: Italy (?); Blade: Germany


Isthmian Region (Panama)


13th century

14th century

15th century

15th century (?)

16th century

17th century

18th century

19th century

20th century

Arezzo, 15th century

Bologna, 17th century

Etruscan, 3rd or early 2nd Century BC

Etruscan, 5th century

Etruscan, early 4th Century BC

Etruscan, late 6th Century BC

Ferrarese, 16th century

Florence, 14th century

Florence, 15th century

Florence, 16th century

Florence, late 15th century


Lucca or Venice ?, first half 15th century

Milan, 15th century

Naples, 17th century

Naples, 18th century

Papal States, Deruta

Pisa, 13th century


Roman, 1st Century

Roman, 1st-2nd Century

Roman, 3rd century

Roman, Antonine period, 2nd Century

Roman, Augustan period

Roman, early 2nd Century

Roman, mid-3rd Century

Rome, 17th century

Rome, Early Imperial period

Rome, Roman Empire

Siena, 15th century

Siena?, 14th century

Siena?, 15th century

Tuscany, 15th century

Tuscany, Florence, 16th century

Umbria, 14th century


Urbino region, Gubbio, 16th century

Venice, 16th century

Venice, 18th century

Venice, 19th century

Verona(?), 15th century

Vicarello (ancient Aquae Apollinares), Roman, Augustan period

early 15th century

first third of 17th century

last quarter of 14th century

late 15th-early 16th Century

late 16th - 17th century

late 16th century

late 16th century (possibly 19th century forgery, or 16th and 19th century pastiche)

late 19th century

mid 15th century

mid-late 17th century

possibly Padua, 16th century

second quarter of 15th century

the Marches, late 14th-early 15th Century

Mexico or Central America

Northeast India

Northeast Ohio

Northeastern France or the Burgundian Netherlands

Northeastern Thailand

Northwest India or Kashmir


Persia (Iran or Iraq)

South Germany

Southern Germany

Southern Netherlands or Northern France

Southwestern India

Spain (Catalonia)

Spain (Hispano-Moresque)

Western Himalayas